
Monday, January 28, 2013

Continuous Forward Motion - Quotes for Monday, January 28th, 2013

Monday, Monday - not everyone's favorite day, but as good a day as any to keep the slump dumping fires burning.  Here are a few quick tidbits to lift the fog and shine the light...

Remember - Continuous Forward Motion.  Release the brakes...

  • "In the moments that you want to give up, you find out what you're really made of..." Unknown
  • "Turn a set back into a comeback" Billy Brewer
  • "Learn to trust that still small voice that says, "This might work and I'll try it" Diane Mariechild
  • "The moment you commit and quit holding back, all sorts of unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance will rise up to help you."  Napoleon Hill

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hidden Talents? Hide Them No More...

Sharing a great article from two of my favorite authors, Seth Godin and Guy Kawasaki: Tips for Mining Your Hidden Talents. 

My favorite part:
There’s perhaps no greater mental prison than the one we create when we crave the approval of others, when we worry about what others might think of us if we fail. Nothing was ever accomplished in history without someone stepping up front and risking vulnerability. What have you left untried because of fears? What is the cost to you, to your organization, or your business when you let your talents rust? Take an inspiration from Marianne Williamson, who says, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”

Indeed - who are you not to be?  Go on, get out there.  Risk something, create something, put something out there.  So what if someone laughs at your first short film effort?  So what if your first screenplay doesn't receive an immediate Academy Award nomination?  Keep at it and keep uncovering those hidden talents.  As part of dumping any slump, take a deep breath, and kickstart your dreams, today. 
Read More:

Friday, January 25, 2013

Fabulous is Where You Find It - But At Doctor's Offices and Surgery Centers?

This week I witnessed some fabulous people that inspired me to continue my own frump slump dumping.  And fabulous is wherever you find it - and in this case, it was in the medical world. 

I had to have surgery this week - and in preparation, there was a pre-op exam.  Not wanting to take part in this rather onerous activity, I was delighted to find some fantastic ladies and nurses at Park Nicollet Family Practice in Burnsville.  Walking in with a yucky migraine - I just wanted to get in and out.  What I found were lovely, energetic people who welcomed me (yes, welcomed me) to the office, and took fantastic care of me.  More than that - one of the ladies walked into the waiting room wearing a fabulous leopard print skirt and awesome patterned hose.  She was clearly happy with her look and this energized me to not only compliment her, but to engage in conversation with the group.  They were all awesome and they bolstered my mood.  Now these ladies were not super models in the Cindy Crawford sense of the word - they were even better!  They were at home in their bodies, and at home in their looks.  They embodied the absence of a slump and I loved being around them.  They made the onerous more than tolerable and I left them feeling better and ready to face the surgery with a more positive outlook.

Then I met a few more new fabulous friends at the Minnesota Valley Surgery Center (and got a really cool water bottle as a surgical parting gift).  I loved talking to all these interesting people - all with great stories, all dumping slumps of minor and major magnitudes.  On that note, I decided to rock that surgical gown (it was a nice shade of purple which is one of my favorite colors), and though this one was more difficult, the hair net encasing my mane at least let my cheekbones shine through...

Despite the fact that this was not a great week for me, and one mired in migraines and surgical procedures - I was grateful to see the fabulous in others and to have that inspiration resonate in me for my next week, and the week after that, and the week after that...

Sometimes - the best thing to do to dump a slump is to know that today is not your day, but your day is just around the corner.  It may be someone else's day and just celebrate them.  In the meantime, rock what you got when you got it, from leopard print skirts to hair nets to giant casts and slings.  I will be keeping that hair net thing to the bare minimum though...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Resolutions Resolved for Fitness, the Rest Resolved Soon...

I have been deeply consumed setting my fitness goals for 2013, which are a major part of my frump slump dumping campaign.  Challenged by a seemingly endless fibromyalgia flare-up, I finally settled on at least the number of major distance events, and the specific location of two of them.  If all goes according to plan - by the end of 2013, I will have completed 20 major distance events.  Get it?  20, in clever I (think) am...

My 2013 Fitness Resolution List (drumroll please...)
  • 1 Half Marathon - May 5th, 2013
  • 4 Marathons - June 23rd, 2013 is the first one, the remaining three to be scheduled
  • 1 PurpleStride Event - September 21st, 2013 (more on that soon!)
  • Yoga - once a week
  • Racquetball - resume play in mid February
From this moment forward - those goals are done, set forth, placed in the Universe, and now, to be executed.  How?  By putting one foot in front of the other...And in the case of yoga, one downward dog in front of the other...

What are your fitness goals for 2013?  Let me know - I'd love to support you in any of them.  Make them now, make them in a week from now, but be sure to make them.  Imagine how you will feel in a month from now if you start dumping your lack of fitness frump slump today?  You will already be feeling great! 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Breath - Taking and Catching...

In terms of dumping my frump slump - the last seven days have been truly breathtaking.  I did things I NEVER in my wildest dreams thought I would EVER do.  I was accorded three awards that helped redefined (in a good way) some of my old, tired, and destructive thought patterns - and Anne Hathaway said it perfectly at the Golden Globes when she mentioned (and I paraphrase) that she now has a blunt object that can forever be used as defense against self doubt.  

So, today has been breath catching.  Today was a day relaxation, and rejuvenation. A day of pajamas and red carpet shows.  A day of leisurely breakfasts, coffee, fireplaces, and reading.  A day of warm afghans, and sweet afternoon naps.  A day to regroup and a day to consider next steps. 

Necessary and welcome, a day of rest is a lovely gift, and one gratefully accepted.  Because starting again tomorrow - it is certain that there is more breathtaking to come...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Put One Foot In Front of the Other...Day Two

Lots of "un-frumping" today, and not just about diet and exercise.  I had a couple of comments including one that the person took a long hot bath and finally took some well needed self care time.  She said it was small but...Small, nothing...   A step is a step...and soon you'll be walking (or in this case taking some self time) out the door!

For me, the non diet/exercise part is a long but wonderful story.  Next post!  However, my committed one foot in front of the other did indeed include some exercise - 30 minutes on an elliptical machine, and better food choices.  Those choices included a cheeseburger, but also the choice was no roll (or bun depending on your region), having it for a late lunch, and just having a small dinner.  You can have fun food, you just need to chose wisely and make compromises when dumping pounds and frump slumps!

Remember what the winter wizard says:

"If I want to change the reflection
I see in the mirror each morn
You mean that it's just my election
To vote for a chance to be reborn"

We make those elections and decisions all day, ever day.  Make them the fabulous elections and choices for you! 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Put One Foot In Front of the Other...Day One


"If I want to change the reflection
I see in the mirror each morn
You mean that it's just my election
To vote for a chance to be reborn"

Although the holidays are over - Santa and this song are timelessly correct.  Changing from dumpy, frumpy and in a slump to self defined fabulous may start with just taking your first step, whatever that may be for you.

For me, today was Day One of kicking my challenges to the curb.  Day One (again) of putting one foot in front of the other.  I got in 2.47 mile walk with some incline and a minute of jogging!  Later on, I chose to bypass a taxi and walk 6 looonnnggg blocks with about 10 pounds of baggage - humming the song the whole way.

What did you do today to get started for the first time, or again?  Just remember - put one foot in front of the other, and soon you'll be walking out the door! 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Let's Face the Music, and Dance? Sure, Why Not?

Yesterday - I chose to face the music, and eventually, I chose to dance.  I wanted to buy some new jeans that would fit my (currently) larger frame.  The black leggings in which I have living (hiding) needed to be given a break.  I had some larger size jeans tucked away in the guest room closet on the off chance that I might gain a few pounds back (which goes to show you that if you want to take the island, burn the boats).  However, those jeans represented all I left behind, and although convenient and free, it made my skin crawl to even think about putting those frumpy things back on.  So, off I went, knowing full well that the size of the jeans I would purchase would be disheartening, upsetting, and downright disgusting.  Time to face the music...

Two years ago, when I had lost the majority of my weight, I needed new jeans.  Up till that point, I had favored Ralph Lauren jeans - safe, high waisted, stretchy, and what the kids today describe as "Mom" jeans.  I kept buying them in small sizes because they were a sure thing, boring and less than stylish, but sure.  I didn't have the confidence at that point to go out on any limb and show off my new form in anything less than jeans that seemed to sit somewhere near my chin. 

One day, a friend told me about Lucky jeans.  He extolled their virtues, and said that my new body deserved some new jeans.  On his advice, I set out on a pilgrimage to the store, and I can clearly recall my first visit.  I circled outside for some time thinking I did not belong anywhere near this hip and trendy establishment.  Where were the over sized people pants?  Mustering my courage, I walked in and an hour later walked out a delighted customer - wearing a very small size jean that hugged every new curve in all the right new places.  These new jeans sat right on my hips, miles below where my old mom jeans sat, and much to my surprise, the dozen muffins top I once had was gone, and those jeans were a testimony to fat's labor lost.  To say I loved them is an understatement.  And the sizes?  Well, they were is a wonderfully small size  that I never thought I could wear, and I was truly proud of my accomplishments each and every time I slipped them over my hips. 

So yesterday - I arrived at the mall, and headed to the "safe" jeans.  I had a renewed feeling of irritation at myself for having to shop for larger sizes, and that lead to a feeling that I didn't deserve nice jeans.  I wandered around looking at various styles, trying to talk myself into one boring thing after the other, and then it struck me.  I am dumping my frump slump!  No matter what size, fabulous is what it is all about.  Anything less than that is completely unacceptable!  Out one door I walked, and I knew exactly where I had to go. 

Walking in the door, I had a moment of doubt and fear.  What size would I be?  Would they laugh at an older lady trying to squeeze into their styles?  Was I too large to deserve such hip clothing?  Blah blah blah...enough.  Deep breath - "time to face the music".  I walked up to a young man and introduced myself.  He shook my hand and told me his name was Brandon.  I stated my purpose, and told him no matter what, I wanted to look great and feel even better.  With that, the quest began.  Midway through trying on the first style, it happened. 

"There may be teardrops to shed..."  Oh and there were.  I sat in that dressing room and shed more than a few teardrops.  I have to meltdown to re-form and grow stronger.  Brandon was so helpful - and quickly came to my aid with darker wash jeans, a suede jacket and truthful words of what looked good and what didn't.  45 minutes later, I left the Lucky Store feeling more fabulous than I have in months.  Why?  Because, now I know, and even though I am not where I will be soon, I deserve to be fabulous right here and right now.  I dumped some of my frump slump and it felt awesome! 

I faced a major hurdle yesterday.  I know where I stand.  I am no longer hiding, or telling myself any lies about my current state.  I faced the music.  Have you faced yours yet?  If not, I highly recommend doing it.  It is the truth that will set you free to dump your frump slump.

Now - let's dance!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Step One - Resolve the Past. Step Two - Make New Resolutions

This past Tuesday, many a New Year's resolution was made.  You know the words, sing along...2013 is the year I am going to:
  • Lose weight
  • Shape up
  • Quit smoking
  • Stop drinking
  • Get organized
  • Spend more time with family
  • Etc.
New Year's resolutions are typically made with the best of intentions (and the health clubs are certainly full this week), however, statistically most resolutions fall by the wayside within three weeks.  Why?  Motivations are individual, and I would never presume to generalize.  Personally, I find that unless I resolve the past, I cannot firmly commit to my New Year's resolutions for the future.  To fully dump my frump slump (which is my primary 2013 resolution), I needed to identify what I was "dumping". 

So here goes - an abbreviated list of  that with which I am done (the whole list might turn into a "War and Peace" blog that no one would have time to read).
  • Doubting myself
  • "Shoulding" myself
  • Undervaluing myself
Everything else falls into those main categories.  So - there you have it.  That is my list.  What do you need to resolve to move forward?  What do you need to "dump"?  What do you need to conclude before your 2013 resolutions can become committed, meaningful, and long lasting?  Leave a comment and let this group know.

Dumping your frump slump is an inside job. It's a big wake-up call and an invitation to do something different.  Something different starts with dumping the past and getting ready to embrace the wonders of the future.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

On the second day of 2013, My Frump Slump Gave To Me...

My frump slump has given me a myriad of insights and gifts.  I haven't liked many of those gifts, and have wanted to return them, but absent a gift receipt, I have come to appreciate them.  It's like the sweater someone gave you with the gigantic orange snowman on the front in a stunning shade of neon green.  We don't always like every gift that we receive, but remember, it is the thought that counts...

Some of my gifts?  Well - let's see, the gift of wallowing, the gift of poor preparation, and the gift of self-doubt to name a few.  How are these presents exactly?  Each of them (and several others) showed me that although I spent a time there, I no longer allow myself to succumb to those negative thoughts that speak of mediocrity and failure.  Finally (finally...) I know and believe better than that.  And to quote Maya Angelou, "When you know better you do better".

I now believe it is possible to maintain a significant weight loss, and that there is no rule that it must be regained because of age, peer pressure, or any other reason.  The gift is the truth - the weight I regained was because I ate more than I burned.  Period.  I now believe it is possible to successfully recover from a layoff in this economy.  The gift is the vision to create new opportunities, seen and unseen.  I now believe it is possible to complete half and full marathons, and that there is no rule that disease or excuses must prevent that.  The gift is determination, and the blessings of being able to walk on from wherever I start again. 

Facing issues transforms them into gifts.  Gifts of insight into how it got this bad.  Gifts of intentions to resolve to do something different, something better.  Gifts of perseverance, and the gift of being grateful for the ability to try again tomorrow. 

What are the gifts given you by your slump?  Which of those gifts are you dumping in order to get the gifts you really want?  What do you intend to do with those gifts?  Remember - it is your thoughts that count...


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Ready, Set, Go and Dump Your Frump Slump!

Frumpy, Dumpy and In A Slump...

That is where I found myself by the end of 2012.  Oh, this didn't happen overnight.  Forty pounds didn't appear as if from nowhere.  Listlessness and absence of curiosity didn't suddenly occur.  Fear of aging less than gracefully didn't crop up from nowhere.  Projects started with great zeal and enthusiasm didn't shelve themselves.

Sound familiar? 
Are you in a slump?  Relationship? Mind?  Career?  Spirit? Body?  
Not sure where to begin to turn things around?  I wasn't either, but I just knew I need to start somewhere and sometime, and that somewhere and sometime is now. 

2013 is here.  Time to dump your frump slump

Time to be who YOU want to be, and define your life as you want it to be! 

Forget the past...
Forgive yourself...
Begin again...

Time to dump your frump slump

Starting something new can be a challenge.  It's too many pounds...I'm too old...I'm too's a's a tragically outdated's a stalled's any number of issues, problems, and frankly, excuses.

Re frame it.  Rethink it.  Positive thoughts become positive reality. 

Time to dump your frump slump

The Mission:
For the next 364 days, my mission is dumping my frump slump and inspiring others to do the same.  What that means to you is self-defined, and I invite you to share your goals with me and this blog group.  We are in this together - so lets help each other get up, get out, and get better! 

How will the slump dumping unfold?  One day it may be putting on lipstick before leaving the house, and the next day - setting a goal of sending out ten resumes in a week.   Stay tuned for more on my goals and the goals of the blog followers! 

Commit to your inner strength, commit yourself.  Commit to dumping your frump slump, one moment at a time! 

Today is that day.  The day, the moment that it turns around.  Time to dump your frump slump