
Monday, February 25, 2013

Waxing Poetic to Really Turn the Tide...

I ask not from whence these words came (how Brit Lit), I just know that they appeared on a page, and that they are to be shared. 

All tides eventually turn, and that what falls must go up.  On this night of a full moon - illumination...and so it is...

Into the dark night is plunged the devils of the past storms.  Into the absence of light is cast the complex insecurity of a drained moat and a crumbled castle.  Into the abyss is the final descent - the muck and mire of that which is no longer, and most likely - never was...The mind vexes and hexes, self contained spells, walls of concrete...It is, at last, over...Surrender, release, peace...

It is now the time of the sunrise.  The gift of light, the illumination, the sight of the whole again. 
The gratitude for all which has occurred for without it - the castle could not be re-forged with the steel and strength of a million Excalibers - taller and with greater fortitude than ever before...
The promise of spring
The grateful anticipation and magnificence to come...
The blazing brilliant truth of authenticity...
That time is this moment, and that time is now...